Having an air conditioning system in your home makes for a comfortable living space, especially if you live in an area with a warm climate. It significantly reduces the heat in your home on a hot summer day and it can also help purify the air. As is true with most home appliances, regular AC unit maintenance is key. To ensure that your AC unit is always running smoothly and to avoid future costly repairs, replacing your AC filter every 90 days is critical. Doing so will help prevent high energy consumption, poor air circulation, dust buildup, and more.

our AC unit filters the air that is circulating inside your home. As you use the system, the filter will get clogged up because of all the dirt, particles, and debris that it has to refine. When the filter gets blocked, your AC’s blower unit will have to exert more effort into pushing the air out of your unit, thus, increasing the energy consumption. As you know, higher energy consumption can only mean higher electricity bills.

Your air conditioning unit has two important parts: the evaporator coil and the condenser coil. The evaporator coil collects the heat inside your home, while the condenser coil releases the heat outdoors. Refrigerant circulates through the evaporator coil and is responsible for significantly cooling the air temperature before releasing it back into your home.

The cooling capabilities and heat exchange in your air conditioning unit are reduced when the filter is clogged by dirt and dust. Cool air won’t circulate as quickly or easily throughout the system and can sometimes result in ice or frost forming around the evaporator coil (this is commonly known as, “freezing up”). To prevent your AC unit from freezing up, you need to make sure that the air can always circulate freely. This means that your AC filters should always be clear of any dust or other debris that might cause blockage and slow down the air circulation!


Air circulation prevents particles, dirt, and dust from settling in your home, particularly in your air ducts. A clogged AC filter will decrease your air circulation, causing dust particles to build up. If not dealt with, this will cause many issues down the road like poor air quality and an increase of insects within your home. Prevent these issues from happening by regularly changing your AC filter, allowing for air to easily flow through without any blockage.

Keep your air conditioning units running smoothly with our AC maintenance services!

Tripoli, Lebanon

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Monday to Friday: 8AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM